4. Not using quality images
It has been observed that shoppers read less and watch more. If you are not using quality images and videos on your product pages, you are going to experience low audience engagement and conversion. Thus, incorporate good-quality images that can be easily zoomed in to get a closer look of the product. Also, provide multiple images of the different angles and viewpoints of the product. This gives consumers a detailed idea of how the actual product is going to look like.
5. No customer service
Online businesses often face more queries than they can possibly respond too in a timely manner. The lack of providing quality customer service and support is one of the principal reasons responsible for losing business conversions. Therefore, satisfying your online shoppers becomes imperative to stay in the competition.
Along with the traditional customer services like email support or helpline support, you also need to equip an e-commerce app with integrated AI chat support. In a nutshell, you should know how to answer most of the common customer questions and navigate your customers smoothly.
6. Not giving proper product descriptions
For most shoppers, product description is a deciding factor for purchasing any product. And for businesses, it is an art that pays well in terms of firm conversion and better UX. Thus, you should provide your customers with a complete and informative product description. In the UI web design for the product page, consider incorporating a lot of white space with minimum visual clutter. In addition, keep the description precise and easy to understand.