E-commerce web design mistakes to avoid in 2021

Designing an e-commerce website is an overwhelming task. This is why many business owners make some common web design mistakes. Let’s talk about some of them.

by Jessica Richards - Business Development Manager
E-commerce web design mistakes to avoid in 2021

E-commerce web design mistakes to avoid in 2021

In this digital age, running a business without a website is almost impossible. However, setting up an e-commerce store is not a simple quest. As a business owner, you need to build a picture-perfect website, which highlights the products and services and attracts the right audience.
With high demand, arises fierce competition. This is the scenario with e-commerce web design in Melbourne. So, if you want to stand out and improve your website, avoid making the following e-commerce web design mistakes in 2021.

1. Not having a responsive web design

The e-commerce shopper of the 21st century is not limited to desktops only. At present, there are around 61% of Google searches performed via mobile devices. This means you need to have a responsive website in place to cater to all potential customers.
If your e-commerce store is not compatible across a variety of mobile devices and platforms, you will lose out on a large market. Thus, the user interface and user experience design must be fully compatible with all device screens and platforms – be it Android or iOS.

2. Not providing a simplified checkout process

Today’s consumers don’t like time-consuming checkout processes that require too much effort to purchase an item. In other words, having a long and complex checkout process means you are declining the shopping experience and inclining bouncing rates.
To avoid this common web design mistake, you should focus on offering a checkout process that takes not many steps for purchasing a product. For this, have a simplified checkout design, minimise your registration process with one-click social logins and don’t use multiple payment windows.

3. Not having an innovative design

Having a website just because it looks great is not the right way to think. In addition to aesthetics, it is equally important to have an easy to use website. Having your navigation menu accessible at every stage of your website is one of the most critical things you need to think about in your web design process. You need to have an attractive user interface web design that perfectly meets your companies needs but also gives your consumers an enjoyable experience. Being a creative web design company in Melbourne we can assist with this.

4. Not using quality images

It has been observed that shoppers read less and watch more. If you are not using quality images and videos on your product pages, you are going to experience low audience engagement and conversion. Thus, incorporate good-quality images that can be easily zoomed in to get a closer look of the product. Also, provide multiple images of the different angles and viewpoints of the product. This gives consumers a detailed idea of how the actual product is going to look like.

5. No customer service

Online businesses often face more queries than they can possibly respond too in a timely manner. The lack of providing quality customer service and support is one of the principal reasons responsible for losing business conversions. Therefore, satisfying your online shoppers becomes imperative to stay in the competition.
Along with the traditional customer services like email support or helpline support, you also need to equip an e-commerce app with integrated AI chat support. In a nutshell, you should know how to answer most of the common customer questions and navigate your customers smoothly.

6. Not giving proper product descriptions

For most shoppers, product description is a deciding factor for purchasing any product. And for businesses, it is an art that pays well in terms of firm conversion and better UX. Thus, you should provide your customers with a complete and informative product description. In the UI web design for the product page, consider incorporating a lot of white space with minimum visual clutter. In addition, keep the description precise and easy to understand.

7. Slow loading speeds

If your e-commerce website consumes more than four seconds to load, consider it as a slow loading website, which is not a positive sign for your website’s SEO ranking and conversion rates. Find a web design agency that can help you optimise your images and implement cache functionalities on your e-commerce site. These amendments will surely improve your web speed and help you generate better results.

Summing up

Creating an E-commerce website is an overwhelming task that needs to be taken quite seriously. In a nutshell, designing your e-commerce website according to the standard practices is the key to success.
In addition to the above-mentioned mistakes, there are many other web design mistakes that require equal attention. Any e-commerce web design mistake that declines the shopping experience and makes it difficult should be avoided or resolved. Lastly, always concentrate on creating web pages that are easier to browse, simpler to navigateand easier to search. Just remember, a lot of customers are switching to online shopping and a smooth e-commerce website with easy navigation and great UI/UX design is your key to getting more and more traffic. Hence, more sales and more profit!
If you need any kind of help for your e-commerce website, feel free to get in touch with Digital Pieces, a creative web design company in Melbourne. We can help you stay ahead in the competition with a winning website.

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