How to ensure your website converts users into leads?

Do you know how to optimise your website for lead generation? Continue reading this writing post.

by Jessica Richards - Business Development Manager
How to ensure your website converts users into leads?

How to ensure your website converts users into leads?

What happens when visitors land on your web page? What is your plan to convert them into leads? How are you going to optimise your existing conversion tactics to maximise the number of leads? Well, our digital agency has all the answers!

This blog post shows you how to convert website visitors into leads using different lead generation strategies. By the end of this post, you will be able to translate high-traffic into revenue. So, let’s get it started!

1. Create an email list

Once you have the right amount of traffic on your website, it’s time to continually communicate with potential customers, so you can move them down the sales funnel. Here, the best strategy is to have a sound email marketing/digital marketing plan, which allows people to opt-in to your email list. Once you get their email address, welcome your potential customers with a sequence of emails designed to inform and educate them. Provide them with as much value as possible.

2. Put forms on landing pages

Giving easy access to lead generation forms is paramount when it comes to boosting your number of viable leads through your website. Our digital agency suggests: the less information you ask for, the more likely they share their valuable personal details. Also, try to put the lead generation form above the fold to enhance the likelihood of getting noticed by visitors. For better results, consider using visual cues like arrows and enticing offers like free quotes.

3. Personalise your CTAs

This is an obvious lead generation technique. Quality content lets you cater to your website visitors, but CTAs are the real magic. They allow visitors to do what they want to without any struggle. Here, the best approach is to personalise them. It is reported that personalised CTAs convert 42% greater visitors than non-personalised CTAs. So, create images, CTA buttons and product options that are tailored to visitors’ interests, buying history and recent activities.

4. Provide social proof

Don’t underestimate the power of social proof. Having testimonials is a must for today’s modern websites. It not only adds credibility to your business, but also leads to increased brand awareness. Add photos for greater credibility that can be used as a powerful marketing tool. Furthermore, adding videos or audios can take your social proof a step further. So, be sure to ask for testimonials, so you can post them on your website’s testimonial page.

5. Offer e-books for download

To generate more interest in your business, create blogs that promote e-books or whitepapers. It’s a non-invasive way to blend lead generation with search engine optimisation (SEO). Allow website visitors to learn more about the same topic they are reading about on your blog. Conduct keyword research on the topic that is relevant to your niche and creates some blog posts around this topic. Now, draft an e-book that delves much deeper into this topic and allows visitors to download it using their name, company and email address.

6. Make good use of negative space

Whitespace or negative space is one of those ‘little things’ that can make or break your web design and development. Instead of striving to fill up every empty space on your webpages, give your content some breathing. There is no point in adding something just to fill up the empty room. In fact, it can end up only serving as a distraction to your website users, ultimately lowering your conversions. You can also use photos and CTA buttons to make some breathing room in your web design.

7. Add a live chat service to your website

Live chat services are popular as they are convenient when it comes to learning about businesses. They can boost your website conversions by 45%. In other words, you could be missing out on a huge lead generator if you are not using live chat. To generate leads through live chat services, you need to audit your website with the help of an experienced website design company. This will allow you to understand which pages have the most traffic. By using the right development resources, install a live chat tool on the web pages where users need the most assistance.

8. Develop campaign-specific landing pages

Bringing website visitors from Google AdWords is great, but you need special landing pages that are different to convert these visitors into leads. Make sure your ads align with campaigns that continually convert. Google uses these factors to indicate relevance and relevant results. Also, track and optimise your paid campaign if you running any.

9. Keep nurturing your leads

Remember, no leads are going to magically turn into customers. You will need to nurture them by delivering valuable content that matches their interest. The best thing you can do is to send relevant follow-up emails, including engaging and tailored content that guides them down the funnel.

10. Test, test, test

Last but not the least, A/B testing can create many wonders for click-through rates. For instance, it can improve your click-through by 211% if you perform A/B tests on your CTAs. Something as simple as testing can work well with the layout, design and content of your landing page too. So, be sure to test every landing page to conclude what’s working and what’s not.

In conclusion

So there you have it – ten different hacks to better convert website traffic into leads and sales. It may seem exhausting, but you can get in touch with our web design agency in Melbourne. If you’ve got any questions, don’t hesitate to reach out to us.

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