5 web design concepts every designer should know

When it comes to creating your website there are some basic design concepts to get familiar with. Read more in this article.

by Natko Radmilovic - Art Director
5 web design concepts every designer should know

5 web design concepts every designer should know

Web designing is an art on its own and there is a lot that goes into the process besides just the visual aspect. From consistency and functionality to typography and imagery, there is an array of design concepts to consider when it comes to designing a great website.

Whether you are a starter or an experienced designer working at a Melbourne web design agency, following are the concepts that every designer should be familiar with.

Being aware of these design concepts will help you stay in the right direction and get the quality promised with your website design project.

1. Integrating white space

In the world of web design and website development in Melbourne, white or negative space is a great way to breathe space into a website. It not only creates space, but also highlights key design elements and content. The right amount of white space gives website users a break, which is crucial when they are processing information that is laid out on the web page.

So, if you’re wondering that you can get away by skipping this concept, the answer is a definite no. Instead, take a look at your webpages and make sure everything is balanced out. For example, it’s great to use fractions of the body size font when it comes to vertical spacing.

2. Creating grids and layouts

Grids and layouts are meant to break up your web page into different sections, so that the content and hierarchy stay organised. They act as the “graphic backbone” of your website and help you achieve a certain degree of visual balance. Keep in mind that, grid systems are more than just a framework.

According to a leading agency for website development in Melbourne, the important thing is creating grids and layouts that will have to be optimised to different screen sizes. Make sure they provide a base system for visual alignment and create optical balance among the relationships between different objects on the webpage.

3. Achieving visual hierarchy

To create the perfect experience for your users, you need to keep the website content in perfect harmony with the visual hierarchy. It means making different design elements and objects easily digestible in one glance. Doing this will allow your users to navigate through the webpage more easily and get the task done quicker.

Here, you can use various techniques to make your website’s visual hierarchy properly optimised. For instance, you can use colour and contrast to draw attention to call-to-action buttons. Another way is to know what type of reading patterns your target audience tends to gravitate towards.

4. Sketching when designing

Imagery is a core aspect of web design and website development. So, sketch often when designing. When you create sketches, it allows you to iterate on ideas quickly and save lots of time. You can benefit from remembering how useful visualising through sketching is. Sketching your web designs and layouts before moving on to wireframes makes it easier for designers exchange ideas and suggestions.

The best part about sketching is that anyone can do it. It is a great way to communicate ideas about layouts, grids and user experiences. It will also help you think about content, navigation, hierarchy and flow.

5. Appreciating criticism and feedback

Regardless of whether the feedback is positive or negative, feedback matters to those that receive it. Constructive feedback is vital as it improves your current and future web design work, but don’t be afraid of criticism. A good way to get feedback is by gathering evidence based on what the users have to say.

This way, it becomes easier to find justifications for whatever change you may need to make, whether it’s optimising your layout, highlighting CTAs or streamlining the navigation. In short, give your best to appreciate the feedback you receive.

Summing up

Crafting the perfect website requires the right combination of design, development and execution. Here at Digital Pieces – one of the best design companies in Melbourne, you are bound to get a professional design concept that will fit exactly what you need for your website.

We understand that your website is more than just web design. So, let’s work together to create the perfect website for your brand!

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